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Your job is a climate job

Virtual Team Meeting

Your job is a climate job

Acting for the climate in your professional role

About training

Every job can be a lever for climate action. How can you integrate concrete actions into your professional role, whatever your function? 

This interactive workshop, based on Project Drawdown's Occupational Action Guides - translated into French by Québec Net Positif - aims to equip employees in corporate professions to integrate high-impact climate actions into their daily work. The guides serve as a central training tool, proposing actions adapted to each profession. 

Based on these concrete guidelines, participants will exchange ideas to identify the moments of truth in their work: those strategic opportunities when each of them can integrate climate considerations into their work with SMEs and actively contribute to the transition to a low-carbon economy. The workshop will also provide tools for organizing their climate efforts, staying motivated and initiating constructive dialogues within their organization.

To discover the practical climate action guides ➜ here

Target audience

- Organizations, professional networks and anyone supporting SMEs
- SMEs and companies of all sizes
- Business leaders and employees wishing to structure their climate commitment and better understand how to align their role with the low-carbon transition


60-90 min.


Interactive virtual or face-to-face workshop



What you'll learn

  • Explore how your professional role can contribute to corporate climate action with Project Drawdown's Practical Guides to Climate Action by Profession
  • Identify the moments of truth in your professional interactions, where it's possible to integrate climate considerations and support SMEs' transition to a low-carbon economy 
  • Equip yourself with concrete strategies for organizing your climate efforts, mobilizing your network and stimulating constructive dialogue within your organization 
  • Strengthen your ability to translate climate commitments into tangible actions adapted to your profession

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