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Aim for net positive?

Virtual Team Meeting

Aim for net positive?

Developing inspiring and resilient leadership

About training

This interactive workshop invites leaders to explore the framework of the 6 capitals (financial, manufacturing, human, social, intellectual and natural) in order to structure a more sustainable and agile strategic vision. Through practical exercises and collaborative exchanges, participants will learn together, build bridges and mobilize their knowledge to better understand how these capitals contribute to corporate value creation, interact and strengthen organizational resilience.

Vous repartirez avec des outils concrets pour transformer les défis actuels en opportunités et faire évoluer leur entreprise vers un modèle d’affaires plus robuste et régénératif créateur de valeur pour l’ensemble de ses parties prenantes.

Target audience

SMEs and anyone working with SMEs


60 min (Webinar) or 90 to 120 min (Interactive workshop)


Interactive virtual or face-to-face workshop


Unlimited (minimum 15 entries)

What you'll learn

  • Understand and integrate the concept of the 6 capitals and its usefulness in the face of the challenges of climate change and the collapse of biodiversity. 
  • Strengthen organizational resilience by identifying the interactions between the 6 capitals and planetary limits, in order to generate sustainable and balanced value 
  • Sensitize leaders to the importance of transforming business models by developing strategies adapted to the economic, social and environmental transformations underway, in order to actively contribute to the regeneration of the capital on which wealth creation and the maintenance of conditions conducive to life on Earth are based.

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