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Effective climate governance

Virtual Team Meeting

Effective climate governance

Understand the risks, opportunities and levers for action to guide SMEs through the transition to a low-carbon economy.

About training

Dans un contexte où la transition vers une économie sobre en carbone s’accélère, les conseils d’administration ont un rôle clé à jouer pour assurer la résilience et la prospérité des entreprises. L’Initiative canadienne de droit climatique (CCLI) et Québec Net Positif s’associent pour offrir aux administrateurs et administratrices du Québec une présentation interactive sur les obligations fiduciaires en matière de changements climatiques, des trajectoires de transition et des aspects essentiels pour passer à l’action. 

As the transition to a low-carbon economy gathers pace, boards of directors have a key role to play in ensuring corporate resilience and prosperity. The Canadian Climate Law Initiative (CCLI) and Québec Net Positif have teamed up to offer Quebec directors an interactive presentation on fiduciary obligations in relation to climate change, transition trajectories and the essential aspects of taking action. 

Hosted by a duo of experts, the presentations are tailored to your needs and questions. Every board is at a different stage in its understanding of climate-related risks, and our aim is for you to govern with confidence.

Target audience

Board members and management teams of SMEs


60 or 90 min.


Interactive virtual or face-to-face workshop


Board members, accompanied or not by the management team

What you'll learn

  • Understand the fiduciary duties of boards of directors in relation to climate change, and their legal and strategic implications
  • Explore transition trajectories and their impact on corporate resilience and competitiveness 
  • Identify concrete levers of action enabling directors to integrate climate governance into their organization's strategy

Our trainers

Person from CCLi
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