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Adapting communications to accelerate climate action by SMEs

Virtual Team Meeting

Adapting communications to accelerate climate action by SMEs

Engaging companies according to their level of climate maturity

About training

Comment mieux accompagner les PME dans la mise en œuvre d’actions climatiques, en adaptant ses communications à leur niveau de maturité ? Basé sur les données avancées du Baromètre de la transition des entreprises et les personas d’entreprises, cet atelier met l’accent sur le partage d’expériences et la co-construction de solutions pragmatiques. Cet atelier interactif sensibilise les participant(e)s aux réalités spécifiques des PME selon leurs niveaux de maturité dans la mise en œuvre d’actions climatiques et les outille pour développer des communications plus efficaces et adaptées. 

How can we better support SMEs in implementing climate actions, by adapting our communications to their level of maturity? Based on advanced data from the Business Transition Barometer and company personas, this workshop focuses on sharing experiences and co-constructing pragmatic solutions. This interactive workshop sensitizes participants to the specific realities of SMEs according to their level of maturity in implementing climate actions, and equips them to develop more effective and adapted communications. 

Through dynamic exchanges and case studies, participants will explore together how to remove obstacles, mobilize SMEs and transform passive awareness into active commitment. The aim is to anchor communications strategies adapted to the realities of companies, to maximize their impact and support a profitable and sustainable transition.

Target audience

Anyone working with SMEs


60 to 120 min.




1 facilitator for each table of 8-10 people

What you'll learn

  • Understand the realities of SMEs in terms of climate change, through assessments, personas and concrete examples.
  • Share and analyze field experiences to identify the challenges and levers for mobilizing SMEs, according to their level of maturity in implementing climate actions.
  • Co-construct pragmatic, tailored solutions to transform awareness-raising into mobilization, and foster corporate commitment.

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